pretty sure I have Covid.. ugh. Somebody I work with I saw for just a little bit on Monday tested positive 3 days later on Thursday with mild symptoms. So I started monitoring my temperature with a temporal thermometer. Normally I hover around 97.6-97.9 with a temporal thermometer. But since Thursday mid day I've been swinging between 98.0 and 99.0. I've had a mild cough off and on, and this morning while I wouldn't say I've lost my sense of taste and smell. It is definitely impaired. I can still sorta smell and taste and identify things, but it is at a reduced capacity of normal for sure. I took a bite of my sandwich and while i could kinda taste it for lunch, after a little bit of chewing the taste sensation pretty much went away. I went for a test Friday AM at the health department and they said I'd hear within 3 business days. All the quick test places here in Kansas City were just completely full.